Our Preschool class has on average 20 children with a qualified teacher and teacher’s assistant. We really value the input from children and parents as to what they would like to achieve in their year before going to school. We always take individual needs into consideration when setting up development goals for your child within Espoo City’s curriculum.

Preschoolers also go on many trips around the city around twice per month. We like to visit museums, art galleries, science centres, local parks, skating rinks, swimming pools and theatres just to name a few. We tie these in with our project based learning questions to inspire the children to explore and take new steps towards discovering more about the world and themselves.

Your School’s preschool class is taught by 2 of our most experienced and fully qualified team of teachers with a combined experience of over 20 years. Children’s individual needs are carefully considered with a focus of developing their social and emotional growth through play and exploration. The children develop English proficiency with their native English speaking teacher by engaging in a wide range of fun and explorative activities. Project based learning forms the core of our teaching  techniques where children’s opinions are heard and valued. Around two thirds of our students go on to complete their studies at the local English and Bilingual speaking schools.